Braving Grace in Ephesians

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Dive into the book of Ephesians over
the next few weeks and discover God’s will for
your life as you Brave Grace.

Week 1
Ephesians 1:4-8
In books like Ephesians, we can see pretty quickly how God feels about us. As we look through Ephesians we will be seeing each word and line through the lens of grace. We will see how our believing in grace through faith leads to a life full of healthy results.
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Week 3
Ephesians 2:1-10
God’s grace is the declaration to humanity – “I Like You!” He doesn’t just lavish grace because of His love. God genuinely sees us and He likes us. He likes what He created, He said, “It is good!” That means something.
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Week 5
Ephesians 3:1-13
The idea of studying the Bible through the lens of grace is to help us understand more clearly how grace absolutely affects every area of our lives. The title of today’s devotional may have caught your attention simply because of the word, administrationRead More>>

Week 2
Ephesians 1:15-19
Many times I have heard Christians who are confused about their standing with God say that His will is hidden from us, that He will reveal what He wants us to know when He wants us to know it, and that if He were to show us everything at one time we couldn’t handle it. Read More>>
Week 4
Ephesians 2:11-22
“…you were without…hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you were were far away have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. For He is our peace…”
Ephesians 2:12-14 Read More>>
Week 6
Ephesians 3:14-21
In many circumstances walking in grace requires great strength. At times, grace requires us to behave in a way that isn’t always the easiest. For most of us it is something very simple: we cannot give grace where we have not personally experienced it for ourselves….Read More>>